Undergraduate Courses
- Signal Processing and Linear Systems
- Algorithms and Data Structures
- Computational Geometry
- Computer Graphics
- CSE Laboratories
- Computer Science and Engineering Exercise II 2019(コンピュータ理工学演習II 2019)
- Introduction to Biomedical Information Technology
- Java Programming I
- ベンチャー体験工房「会津IT日新館」
Graduate Courses
- Bioinformatics Algorithms
- Biomedical Imaging and Analysis
- Biomedical Modeling and Visualization(Lectures on Bioelectromagnetism by Prof. Jaakko Malmivuo are included)
- Biosignal Processing and Data Mining
- Creative Factory Seminar 5
- Introduction to Bioinformatics
- Introduction to Biosignal Detection
- Research Plan Seminar
- Bioelectromagnetism (Invited)
Relevant Courses by Allied Labs
- Advanced Architectures for Synthetic Worlds
- Advanced Signal Processing
- Applied Statistics
- Automatic Speech Recognition: Theory and Practice
- Best Practices in Embedded Software Development
- Computation Theory
- Computational Fluid Dynamics
- Computational Physics and Simulation
- Computer Music
- Computer Simulation of Stochastic Processes
- Embedded Real-Time Systems
- Evolutionary Algorithms and Applications
- Finite Element Modeling and Visualization
- Fundamentals and Practices of High Quality and Safety-Critical Embedded Systems
- High-Reliability Network Systems Engineering
- Human Aspects of Software Engineering
- Image Recognition and Understanding
- Information Security
- Intelligent Information Retrieval and Text Mining
- Introduction to Sound and Audio
- Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining
- Modern Control Theory
- Nature Inspired Design
- Neural Networks I: Fundamental Theory and Applications
- Numerical Modeling and Simulations
- Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning
- Quantum Information
- Remote Sensing
- Sensing and Control Engineering
- Speech Articulation and Acoustics
- Statistical Signal Processing
- Techniques of Software Engineering for Embedded Systems
- Theory of Genetic Algorithms
- Topics in Numerical and Applied Computation I
- Topics in Numerical and Applied Computation II
- Ubiquitous Network Systems and Applications
- Wireless and Mobile Networks