・日時:2017年6月23日(金) 18:10-19:40
・講師:宮城大学 名誉教授 小林 登史夫先生
A numerical evaluation of the individual susceptibility for SBP(Systolic blood pressure) by room temperature with multiple regression analyses
Ⅰ] 在宅血圧の長期計測 (Dr. Yatabe’s “Tele-monitoring measurements”)
Ⅱ] 本研究の目的 (The aims of numerical analyses)
Ⅲ] 室温感受性 (The characteristics of measured room temperatures)
Ⅳ] 重回帰分析結果 (Analyses of the data by multiple regression analysis (MRA))
Ⅴ] Q&A (Detailed discussion)